Cassiopeia Newsletter – Winter Solstice / solstice d’hiver 2023


In this issue / Dans ce numéro:

President’s Message
Canadian Gemini Office News / Nouvelles de l’Office Gemini Canadien
2024 CASCA Awards: Call for Nominations / Prix CASCA 2024: appel de candidatures
Update on CASTOR
ngVLA Update
Optical-Infrared Review Committee
SKA Update
Dissertation: Studies of evolved stellar populations: from giants to remnants

Editor: Joanne Rosvick

Cassiopeia is CASCA’s quarterly Newsletter, published on or near the solstices and equinoxes (March 21, June 21, September 21 and December 21).

To submit a contribution please email All submissions must be received by the due date (usually 2 weeks in advance of publication) to be published in the next edition. I accept plain text and Word documents. Note that the formatting of your document will not be preserved. Please include any images as attachments in your email, not embedded in the text. Please include URLs in parentheses next to the word or phrase that you wish to act as link anchors.

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