Awards Committee

Visit the CASCA Awards Pages:

Internal Committee Discussion
Awards Committee Roster

Committee Timeline and Procedures

Early November 2024: Prizes and nomination procedures announced

Early November 2024: Solicit more diverse nominations from the EIC and the Nominating Committee

January 15 2025 : Prize nominations due.

Early February 2025: Committee chair and CASCA administrator distribute nomination packages to committee.

February 2025 : Committee members individually review nomination materials and score candidates.

Late February 2025 : Committee members discuss scores as a group and decide on final list of prize winners.

Late February/Early March 2025 : Committee chair submits final selection to CASCA Vice President for certification by the CASCA Board.

Spring 2025: CASCA President informs prize winners

May 2025: Prizes presented at Annual General Meeting

All nomination packages are studied by all committee members, except 1) for the ex officio member from the AGM Organizing Committee and 2) any committee members with a conflict of interest for a particular nominee. Conflicts of interests include (but are not limited to) personal relationships, common or rival scientific collaborations, supervisory relationships, and common institutional affiliations. Committee members with conflicts of interest are asked by the Chair to leave the room during deliberations concerning the relevant nominees. When the Chair is conflicted, the moderation of the discussion is delegated to another committee member.

Identities of nominees, nominators, and the contents of nomination packages are kept confidential. The same is true of committee deliberations.

Mandate and terms of reference

CASCA delivers five different awards and prizes over two years whose descriptions are available on the Scholarships and Awards Page (for students) and the Post PhD Awards Page. These awards are delivered during the Annual General Assembly (AGM). The Awards committee manages the Beals and Martin awards, the Petrie lecture and the Plaskett medal (awarded jointly with the RASC). The committee will be composed of seven members in order to cover as best as possible the varied research fields found in our community. Hence the Awards committee will:

  1. Request candidacies from the community by 1st November of the year preceding the AGM for the awards and prizes that will be given that next year using e.g. the CASCA exploder and website and e-Cass. The call should emphasize that both nominators and nominees must be CASCA members in good standing;
  2. After the call for nominations has closed, check with the CASCA administrator of the eligibility of all nominators and nominees;
  3. Conduct the review of nominations with appropriate treatment of conflicts of interest;
  4. Inform the CASCA Board of the winner of the different competitions as soon as the deadlines permit so that arrangements and coordination can be made with the AGM local organizing committee;
  5. Be ready to respond to special requests from the CASCA Board;
  6. Provide the CASCA Board with a citation for each award, suitable for publication by the CASCA Press Officer;
  7. The committee Chair is normally invited to introduce the award winners at the AGM;
  8. Provide a report of activities and issues once a year to the Board in advance of the CASCA AGM. The Board may request an interim report if the need arises. The report will include: current members and term, suggestions for new members and/or chair, brief report of activities, any issues, questions, recommendations or requested actions for the Board.

Archived reports:

May 2024
May 2023
May 2022
May 2021
Dec 2020
May 2020
June 2019
June 2018
Dec 2017
May 2017
Dec 2016
May 2016
June 2014
Jan 2014
May 2013
Dec 2012
Jun 2012
Dec 2011
May 2011
May 2010
May 2009
Dec 2008
May 2008
Dec 2007
June 2007
Nov 2006
May 2006
Nov 2005
May 2005
June 2004
May 1998

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