- The Student Refugee Program (SRP), managed by World University Service of Canada – accepts applications from eligible applicants in the following countries of asylum: Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Pakistan. https://srp.wusc.ca/students/
- Afghan At-Risk Scholar and Activists (International Development Research Centre)
The Scholars at Risk (SAR) mission to protect scholars and promote academic freedom:
https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/sections/sar-canada/ and
https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/get-help/ -
Pathways and supports available to graduate students impacted by the protests in Iran – University of Toronto:
https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/pathways-iran/ - CITA: Following earlier precedent, CITA has an active visitor program that can support astrophysicists seeking refuge from perilous conditions in their current country. Our visitor program can support long duration and short duration visits to any CITA Inc. member institution.If you know of scholars that might benefit from this program, please send their contact information to director@cita.utoronto.ca and we will collaborate with you on supporting and facilitating their visit.
University of Waterloo Students-at-risk fund:
• To donate to this fund go here.
• To apply for an internship funded by this fund go either here or there.
Note that the current dead line for applications is January 16th, 2023 - Perimeter Institute: The Institute offers positions to researchers and students of any nationality who are at risk in their home countries or their intended place of work/study – link
- McMaster University: The university has two programs to benefit displaced scholars: one to finance employers of such scholars and one to directly support them. For details of both programs go to https://global.mcmaster.ca/forciblydisplaced/#tab-content-ov
In Francophone Quebec both of the major universities have programs for at-risk scholars:
• Université de Montréal – https://crm.umontreal.ca/InitiativeCRM-ISM/fr/index.php/
• Universit$eacute; Laval – https://www.fesp.ulaval.ca/actualite/en-soutien-la- communaute-etudiante-et-de-recherche-eprouvee-par-la-situation-en-ukraine
Please let us know if you find anything missing by sending additional links/info to the EIC Chair at (Ivana.Damjanov@smu.ca). The list is meant to be evolving and we value your help in making it as complete as possible at any given time!