Long Range Plan Implementation Committee

Public Discussion Page
Internal Committee Discussion

Mandate and terms of reference

One of the lessons learned from the Long Range Plan 2000, from the recent changes in the funding philosophies, and from the complex situations affecting major international projects is that the LRP2010 has to be flexible in the ways and time frame of its implementation. The LRP Implementation Committee (LRPIC) has the important mandate of overseeing the implementation of the plan, providing expert opinion on its developments. The LRPIC acts as advisor to the CASCA Board and the Coalition for Canadian Astronomy. The LRPIC may propose to change the recommendations or the priorities of LRP2010 as the international or national parameters change. The LRPIC is composed of a minimum of five members, including representative from the Ground-based Astronomy Committee and the Joint Committee on Space Astronomy, the CASCA president, and two members of the community.

The members will rotate out as mandates change for the committee representatives and the CASCA Board members. The CASCA Vice-President should be an observer in the committee to assure continuity. The other two members will have a three year mandate.

Tasks undertaken by the LRPIC are:

  • advise the CASCA Board and the Coalition on the impact of changes/development/evolution in the activities pertaining to the projects identified in the LRP2010 recommendations;
  • advise the CASCA Board and the Coalition on the appearance of new major projects that may offset the balance of the current plan by bringing major scientific advantages to the Canadian astronomical community;
  • provide scientific guidance to the CASCA Board and the Coalition to help promote the plan;
  • be ready to respond to special requests from the CASCA Board and the Coalition;
  • provide a report of activities and issues once a year to the Board in advance of the CASCA AGM. The Board may request an interim report if the need arises. The report will include: an assessment of the progress of the LRP2010, current members and term, suggestions for new members and/or chair, brief report of activities, any issues, questions, recommendations or requested actions for the Board.

In order to fulfill its mandate, the LRPIC can seek advice outside its immediate expertise as the need arises. The LRPIC will hold regular telecons. It should try to meet in person once a year at the CASCA AGM and the LRPIC chair should address the community to provide an update on the evolution of the plan.

News and Statements from the LRPIC:


Archived reports:

Dec 2020
May 2020
Dec 2019
June 2019
Dec 2018
May 2018
Dec 2017
May 2017
Dec 2016
May 2016
May 2015
Jan 2014
May 2013
Dec 2012
Jun 2012
Dec 2011

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