By/par Magdalen Normandeau (Cassiopeia co-editor)
(Cassiopeia – Spring/printemps 2017)
When it was first created, the purpose of Cassiopeia was clear: without the internet, the hardcopy newsletter that members received a few times per year was an important tool for keeping the CASCA community in the loop about observatories, instruments, big projects, etc. Eventually, an online version was created and the hardcopy version was phased out.
Given these changes, we should reexamine Cassiopeia and how CASCA communicates news to its members. Who is reading Cassiopeia? Why are they reading it? What parts are they reading in it? What would they like to be reading in it? Is having a 4 times/year newsletter still worthwhile? What about other news communication methods used by CASCA (e-News blasts, individual postings to the listserv)?
A survey is being designed and the plan is to have the results in time for discussion at the AGM at the CASCA-2017 conference. Stay tuned!