Western Conference on Science Education 2013: Call for Proposals

The positive buzz created by the inaugural 2011 Western Conference on Science Education has inspired us to “prepone” the planned 2014 Conference up to July 9 – 11 of 2013. We are excited to host the WCSE once again at Western University in London, Ontario.

Reconvening a national community of colleagues from across Science disciplines will sustain our momentum toward enhancing the practice and profile of post-secondary science education in Canada.  WCSE 2013 will be sparked by the provocative ideas of some of North America’s preeminent science educators and fueled by the inspiring work of teaching and research faculty, librarians and other science education professionals from colleges and universities across the country.

We welcome four dynamic Plenary speakers:

Dr. Susan Rundell Singer, (NSF Program Officer, Carleton College, Northfield MN)

Dr. Tony Bates, (Tony Bates Associates, Vancouver, BC)

Dr. Dietmar Kennepohl FCIC, (AVP Academic, Athabasca University, Athabasca AB)

Dr. Carolyn Eyles, (iSci Program Director, McMaster University, Hamilton ON)

As a provocative and unifying Conference theme, we invite participants to ask themselves how their work reconceives that old adage “Doing more with less”.  In what innovative ways are you and your students doing more Positive with less Negative?  Are your students doing more learning with less lecturing?  More research with less memorizing?  Is your practice more communal with less siloing?   You get the idea.

The WCSE 2013 Program will feature 40 min Presentations and 80 min Workshops in addition to Posters and Round Table/Panel Discussions of such topics as experiential learning, undergraduate research, tech-enabled learning etc.  New for 2013, we look forward to 14.0 min “Short and Tweet” sessions.

Submissions will be accepted until March 11, 2013.  Find Submission Guidelines and more information at: www.thewesternconference.ca

To receive direct notification of future updates, subscribe to our Twitter feed @WestConf.

Or, send a message to westernconference@uwo.ca with “Update Me” in the subject line.

Please help us to do more promotion with less spam by forwarding this announcement to interested colleagues.

We look forward to meeting with you again soon(er).

WCSE 2013 Organizing Committee

Dr. Alyssa Gilbert

Outreach Coordinator
Centre for Planetary Science & Exploration
The University of Western Ontario
Room 121, Western Science Centre
Ph: (519) 661-2111 ext. 88508
Fax: (519) 488-4721

Email: cpsxoutreach@uwo.ca
Web: www.cpsx.uwo.ca/outreach
Twitter: @CPSXNews

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