First announcement: Canadian SKA meeting and MWA project meeting, December 7-11, Toronto


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to a week of radio astronomy in Toronto, Canada, over the week of December 7-11, 2015:

* MWA Project meeting, Dec 7-9, 2015, University of Toronto

The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is is a low-frequency (70-300 MHz) radio interferometer that uses 128 antenna “tiles” and no moving parts to achieve massive fields of view (610 deg^2 at 150 MHz), arcminute resolution and exquisite surface brightness sensitivity. The MWA has been fully operational since Aug 2013, an so far has accumulated more than 4 petabytes of data on the Epoch of Reionization, galactic and extragalactic sky surveys, time-domain science, and heliospheric/ionospheric studies. The MWA Project meeting will feature science presentations and discussion on the first two years of MWA observing and operations, breakout groups to focus on specific aspects of data reduction and analysis, and discussions of technical progress, science priorities and observational programs for an upgrade path (“MWA phase 2”). Canada is in discussions with the MWA Board about joining the MWA project and participating in MWA phase 2. This meeting is an opportunity for the Canadian astronomy community to learn about the MWA and its capabilities, and to identify future areas for participation and collaboration.

* “Canada and the SKA”, Dec 10-11, 2015, University of Toronto

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the largest and most powerful radio telescope ever constructed, and will answer fundamental questions in astronomy, physics and cosmology. The first 10% of the SKA (“SKA1”) will consistent of two components: SKA1-MID in South Africa (350 MHz – 14 GHz), and SKA1-LOW in Australia (50-350 MHz), each of which will have spectacular scientific capabilities in its own right. Construction on SKA1 is planned to commence in 2018, with science operations to begin in 2023. Canada is one of 10 member countries of the SKA Organisation, and is an active participant in both SKA technology development and SKA science programs. As we now move toward construction and the formation of the science survey teams, there is a need for Canadian science and industry to assess their main interests and activities for the SKA, and to identify areas for synergy and coordination. This meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the status and upcoming activities for the SKA project, discuss the areas in which Canada can offer scientific and technical leadership, and to plan additional approaches that maximize Canadian return from this project.

Please register for both meetings at by Nov 30, 2015.

Please submit abstracts for talks or posters for both meetings at by Oct 30, 2015.

Hotel and other logistical information will be added to the above WWW site shortly.

* We also draw your attention to the conference “Science at Low Frequencies II”, to be held in Albuquerque, USA, over Dec 2-4, 2015. See for more information.

Key dates:

Jul 30, 2015: First announcement, registration opens
Oct 30, 2015: Abstract deadline
Nov 14, 2015: Final announcement: schedule of talks and posters announced
Nov 30, 2015: Registration deadline

Dec 7-8, 2015: MWA project meeting
Dec 9, 2015: MWA Board meeting (closed meeting), break-out groups, data-analysis workshops
Dec 10-11, 2015: Canadian SKA meeting

MEETING CODE OF CONDUCT: The organizers are committed to making this meeting productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality or religion. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Acceptance of the workshop code of conduct ( is a condition of attendance and participation.

Any queries about either event should be directed to Bryan Gaensler, .

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