This is an official CASCA Press Release.
It is with great pleasure that the Canadian Astronomical Society / Société Canadienne d’Astronomie recognizes and applauds Dr. Sara Ellison of the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia for being awarded the prestigious Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics by the Royal Society of Canada.
As Canada’s senior National Academy, the RSC exists to promote Canadian research and scholarly accomplishment in both of Canada’s official languages, to mentor young scholars and artists, to recognize academic and artistic excellence, and to advise governments, non-governmental organizations, and Canadians generally on matters of public interest (
Dr Ellison received her PhD in astronomy from Cambridge University in 2000, then moved to the European Southern Observatory in Chile as an ESO fellow. She joined the University of Victoria in 2003, and was promoted to associate professor in 2008 and full professor this year. Amongst other honours, she was given the Annie Jump Cannon award by the American Astronomical Society in 2004. Her research focuses on understanding galaxy evolution through cosmic time.
Leslie Sage
CASCA Press Officer
+1 (301) 675 8957