SKA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Cosmic Magnetism, University of Cape Town (Deadline February 15, 2014)

SKA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Cosmic Magnetism
University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape

The Department of Astronomy of the University of Cape Town and the University of the Western Cape are hosting postdoctoral positions in the area of Cosmic Magnetism, associated with the SKA Research Chair in Observational Radio Astronomy (chair holder: Prof Russ Taylor).

South Africa is constructing MeerKAT, a 64-dish radio interferometer serving as an SKA precursor ( that will be completed in 2016. The construction of mid-frequency dish array for SKA phase 1, that will add 190 more dishes, should start around 2018.

The postdoctoral fellows will engage in observational programs in radio polarimetry, simulations, and scientific investigations that pathfind the SKA key science goal of the exploration of the origins and evolution of cosmic magnetic fields. In advance of MeerKAT commissioning and operation, opportunities exist for participation in the GALFACTS project – an all-sky spectro-polarimetric survey being undertaken with the Arecibo ALPHA system, the POSSUM polarization survey with the Australia SKA Pathfinder, and deep broad-band polarization imaging surveys with the JVLA and GMRT.

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate interested in joining the steadily growing UCT and UWC astronomy departments. Applicants should have a Ph.D in astronomy, experience in observational radio astronomy either single dish or aperture synthesis, or a theoretical background in studies of cosmic magnetic fields.

Candidates will be asked to help out with light departmental duties (e.g. seminars), with postgraduate students’ supervision and with some outreach activities. The appointment is for two years, with possibilities of extension for an extra year, subject to sufficient progress. The salary is tax-free and at the top of the postdoc scale. Equipment and travel funding are available. Interested candidates should send a CV, bibliography, brief summary of research, outline of future plans, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent by February 15, 2014. Applications will start to be considered from that date until the position is filled. Ideally, the position would start on July 1st 2014. Inquiries, applications and letters of recommendation should be sent by email to

Cape Town itself is a stunningly scenic and modern city at the junction of the
Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with vibrant urban culture, nearby beaches, mountains, exotic wildlife, and wine country.

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