ngVLA Update

By / par Erik Rosolowsky (U Alberta)
(Cassiopeia – Summer / été 2024)

Still from a live view of the site at the VLA where the ngVLA prototype 18m antenna will be constructed, starting this summer.

Technology Development at Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics

Engineers at HAA are working on the preliminary designs for the ngVLA Band 5 receiver system. Band 5 is one of the high-frequency receiver band systems planned for the ngVLA, spanning the 30-50 GHz range. This development leverages HAA’s previous experience with building the ALMA Band 3 receivers. Receiver development and manufacture could form the basis of an in-kind contribution to ngVLA participation.

Progress in the US

In 2023 July the US National Science Foundation (NSF) entered the ngVLA project into the design process for Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction. The ngVLA project is continuing its preparations for the NSF-run Conceptual Design Review, scheduled for 2024 September. In recent congressional hearings, the Director of the NSF cited the ngVLA as the clear next steps for ground based radio astronomy in the US.

Follow the Monarchs: A Journey to Explore the Cosmos at (Sub)milliarcsecond Scales with the ngVLA

This ngVLA international science conference will be held 2024 November 11-14 in person in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Morelia, Mexico. The conference will highlight and explore the novel scientific opportunities that will unfold with the unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity capabilities offered by this new flagship facility. The conference will coincide with the Monarch butterflies completing their migration journey from Canada and the US to the mountains surrounding Morelia. Abstract submission for oral presentations closes July 8, and early registration is available until September 1. To take these actions, see here.

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