2023 Martin Award: Dr. Erik Rosolowsky

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Erik Rosolowsky as the recipient of the 2023 Peter G. Martin Award for mid-career achievement.

Dr. Rosolowsky received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, studying the formation of molecular clouds in nearby galaxies, and he is currently a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Alberta.

In his impactful career, he has been an international leader in the study of star formation in both Galactic and extragalactic contexts and has made several novel contributions to data analysis techniques that have enabled significant research by others. Dr. Rosolowsky has demonstrated growing leadership in these fields, notably through the international, multi-observatory “Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies” (PHANGS) megaproject. His earlier work on Galactic star formation produced several key publications that led the way to future large-scale surveys of emission from star-forming clouds and introduced “dendograms” as a new way of defining structure in hierarchical systems, a method now widely used throughout the community. His research in extragalactic star formation followed a similar pattern, leading or being a major contributor to seminal surveys that took advantage of the rise of high-resolution instruments over the last decade to drive forward our understanding of the formation of the molecular ISM and stars in distant galaxies.

CASCA is delighted to recognize Dr. Rosolowsky’s achievements with this award.

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