WIPC2023: Women In Physics Canada Conference

We would like to update you on the 2023 Women in Physics Canada Conference (WIPC2023) to take place at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg during July 4-7 (2023). The abstract submission for oral presentations and travel support requests is extended to May 1, 2023.

The conference website  and updates can be found here:

WIPC is aimed at increasing the representation of women and under-represented groups in Physics (and STEM more generally). The meeting will be open to students (undergraduate and graduate students), postdocs, researchers/educators in Physics and Astronomy, and anyone interested in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in STEM from across the country and internationally.

We are thrilled to announce that Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Oxford) will be the conference keynote speaker. Dr Bell Burnell is known for her discovery of pulsars and is a big champion in EDI.

We are working on an exciting program for WIPC2023, which will include:
●       Scientific presentations from a diverse pool of researchers and panelists
●       Skills development workshops and a speed-mentorship workshop
●       A panel discussion on EDI
●       A panel discussion on career choices
●       Networking activities
●       Students/early career researchers talks and poster presentations

Important Dates and upcoming deadlines:
●       Abstract Submission Deadline — extended to May 1, 2023
●       Travel Support Request Deadline —  extended to May 1, 2023
●       Childcare Support Request Deadline — May 1, 2023
●       Accepted Abstract for Oral Presentation Announcement — May 16, 2023
●       Travel Support Announcement — May 16, 2023
●       Regular Registration Deadline — May 23, 2023
●       Late Registration Deadline — June 19, 2023
●       Late Abstract Submission Deadline (for Posters Only) — June 19, 2023

The conference poster can be downloaded from: https://sci.umanitoba.ca/wipc2023/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2023/01/WIPC2023-Invite_new.png
Feel free to circulate it within your community.

Thanks to our sponsors, we will be able to offer a modest registration fee for students which covers lunches and health breaks at the conference, the banquet dinner and open galleries access at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, food and drinks at the reception and poster session; in addition to students’ travel awards, prizes, and surprises! We are also developing a plan for childcare support.

If you have any questions, please reach out to wipc2023@physics.umanitoba.ca

We look forward to welcoming you to Winnipeg this summer!

-Samar Safi-Harb (Chair) and Janette Suherli (Deputy Chair)
On behalf of the WIPC2023 organizing committee

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