AstroEDU Conference Announcement

By Michael Reid (University of Toronto)
(Cassiopeia – Spring 2023)

Join us in Toronto, May 10-12 for AstroEdu—the astronomy education conference

AstroEdu, the astronomy education conference, is coming to the University of Toronto, May 10-12, 2023. Registration and abstract submission are now open at the conference website. This international conference will feature experts and practitioners in the fields of astronomy and astronomy education, discussing all of the latest research and best practices in astronomy education at all levels. We warmly welcome the Canadian astronomy research community to participate. If you’re interested in finding out how your students learn astronomy, or how your colleagues teach it, this is the conference for you. If you’ve developed an innovative way of teaching astronomy or have studied how your students learn, we invite you to submit an abstract for a poster or talk.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, both in-person in Toronto and online. To facilitate the widest possible participation, registration fees are indexed to Gross National Income and there are discounts available for virtual participants and students, so please pass this notice on to your colleagues worldwide. We encourage all participants to consider the climate impact of their participation, choose lower-carbon transportation options where available, and consider virtual participation.

We thank the Dunlap Institute and the International Astronomical Union for their generous sponsorship of the meeting.

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