By Frédérique Baron
(Cassiopeia – Winter 2022)
The Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) is announcing its annual Summer School, which will be held on June 20-22, 2023 in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
This year’s topic will focus on space astronomy. This 3-day school will introduce the status of current Canadian capacity in Space Astronomy across the electromagnetic spectrum, how to access and use various facilities as well as classes on mission development and operations.
The CRAQ Summer School is principally aimed at graduate students in the field of physics, astronomy, and astrophysics, although students who have completed an undergraduate program in physics will also be considered. There is no registration fee. However, we cannot offer traveling funds or cover lodging expenses.
Additional information about the program, registration and accommodation will be available soon on this site:
Email contact: frederique.baron@umontreal