From/de Jeremy Heyl (UBC)
(Cassiopeia – Spring/printemps 2018)
Colibri: Canadian High-Time-Resolution High-Energy-Resolution X-ray Telescope
We propose to develop a concept for a high-time-resolution, high-energy-resolution x-ray telescope using transition-edge sensors (TES) for the x-ray detectors and collector optics to direct the x-rays onto the focal plane to give a large effective area in a small satellite. The key science driver of the instrument would be to study neutron stars and accreting black holes. Our concept study will provide a preliminary costing for the mission including the definition of the science requirements and its influence on design choices such as the form of the optics and focal plane, total effective area, mirror complexity, choice of orbit, mission duration and telemetry requirements.
Please contact Jeremy Heyl if you would like to participate in this study and help with the CSA Bid due 19 April.