*** Galaxy Evolution with JWST Guaranteed Time Observations ***
We invite applications for two postdoctoral positions to participate in our 200-hour JWST guaranteed time program that will study galaxy evolution from the Epoch of Reionization, through Cosmic Noon, and down to intermediate redshifts.
Within the first year of JWST science operations, our “CANUCS” Guaranteed Time Observer (GTO) program will use JWST’s NIRISS slitless spectrograph to carry out a spatially-resolved slitless grism survey of thousands of galaxies behind five massive z~0.5 lensing clusters. These observations will produce maps of key physical quantities such as stellar populations, ionized gas, metallicity, dust, etc. The NIRISS slitless spectroscopy data will be supported by extensive NIRCam imaging and subsequent multi-slit spectroscopic follow-up with NIRSpec. The data will allow studies of galaxies from the Epoch of Reionization, through the peak of cosmic star formation at z~2, and to lower redshifts, including galaxies in the massive z~0.5 lensing clusters. Additionally, we will in parallel also observe five offset fields with NIRCam using 14 medium-band filters, giving a bonus complementary imaging dataset of exquisite depth and resolution. For more information on our guaranteed-time program, see: http://www.stsci.edu/jwst/phase2-public/1208.pdf
The postdoctoral fellows will be located at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, a major centre on the Atlantic coast of Canada that’s close to nature and rich in history and culture. They will work within Dr. Marcin Sawicki’s research group (https://www.ap.smu.ca/~sawicki), which will consist of 4 postdoctoral fellows and several graduate students embedded within the astronomy research ecosystem in the Department of Astronomy and Physics and the Institute for Computational Astrophysics. They will also interact closely with the tight-knit CANUCS team located throughout Canada and beyond.
While the focus of the positions will be on the once-in-a-career JWST GTO dataset, the fellows will also have time to carry out independent research. They will also have opportunities (but no obligation) to join in other key projects at Saint Mary’s University, such as in the exploitation of our extremely deep-and-wide (~20 sq deg to ~27 mag) Ugrizy dataset from the CLAUDS + HyperSuprimeCam (HSC) surveys (https://www.ap.smu.ca/~sawicki/sawicki/CLAUDS.html), or the development of the GIRMOS spectrograph (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.03797.pdf). The fellows will also be eligible to apply for Canadian observing time on JWST, Gemini, CFHT, and ALMA, and to access High Performance Computing resources through ACENET and Compute Canada.
The appointments are expected to start in September 2021 and will be for up to three years, subject to satisfactory performance and the availability of funds. We strongly encourage applications from all qualified persons, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal people, and people with disabilities. We appreciate and welcome diversity, and hire on the basis of merit.
All application materials should be submitted by 8 January 2021 via email to JWST-GTO@ap.smu.ca. Applications should include a CV, a statement of research interests and accomplishments, and a cover letter, all as pdf files. Applicants should also arrange for three referees to send reference letters directly to the same address by the same date.