The First Canada-Wide Diversity in Physics Survey

(Survey closes 23h59 EST on Monday, November 30)

To: Physicists in academia, industry and government within Canada
Students pursuing a physics degree at a Canadian institution

From: Canadian Association of Physicists;
Kevin Hewitt and Anastasia Smolina,
Co-editors PiC special issue – Inclusivity for Excellence in the Physics Community in Canada

Subject: Invitation to participate in the first annual CAP EDI survey (and be entered for a chance to win one of five $100 gift cards)

PLEASE NOTE: First year undergraduate students who receive this message should only complete this survey if you are enrolled in a Physics programs/pursing a physics degree.


Physics is a quantitative science which relies on measurements to understand the natural world and validate hypotheses. Its success is based on that commitment to measurement, and the same is true of our desire to create a more inclusive environment in the Physics community in Canada. There has never been a comprehensive survey of the diversity of the Physics community in Canada, whereas the US has been collecting these statistics for several decades.

The objective of the first annual CAP Diversity survey is to understand how identity, age, first-in-family status, field of study, province of residence, employment and educational outcomes, income, family and child care responsibilities, culture and climate, language, and citizenship influences participation in physics-related industrial workforce, government and academia. This study has been approved by Dalhousie Research Ethics Board on Oct. 27, 2020 (REB file # 2020-5261).

The raw data will be stored securely on the Canadian Association of Physicists Wufoo Canadian server, and will also be backed up on a secure Dalhousie server. Publication of the results in CAP’s Physics in Canada issues will follow strict guidelines, including reporting in aggregate form when the number of respondents in a given category is less than 5. While the Physics community in Canada may be among the last to conduct such a wide-ranging survey of the field, we hope the delay will be offset by the quality of the data.

Academic, industrial and government leaders could identify potential interventions to create a more vibrant and inclusive community for excellence, further advancing the field. We hope you will participate in the survey. As an added incentive, and to thank you for your time, you can choose to enter a draw for a chance to win one of five $100 gift cards at the end of the survey.

Please follow the link below to participate in the survey

You should discuss any questions you have about this study with Kevin Hewitt and Anastasia Smolina. Please ask as many questions as you like before or after participating by contacting us via email or phone: 902-494-2315 or (Kevin Hewitt) and (Anastasia Smolina).

If you have any ethical concerns about your participation in this research, you may contact Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at (902) 494-3423, or email (and reference REB file # 2020-5261).

This email has been forwarded to CASCA members as a service to the community. Unless explicitly stated, this does not imply an endorsement of its contents by CASCA or the CASCA Board.

NOVEMBER FAST TURNAROUND CALL for Both Gemini North and South

Dear Gemini Users,

Please be reminded of the Fast Turnaround proposal deadline at the end of this month, November 30th at 23:59 Hawaiian Standard Time. Gemini-South will be accepting Fast Turnaround proposals too this month! Successful proposals from this cycle will stay active in the queue from January 2021 until March 2021.

The FT program has been used to conduct pilot studies or stand-alone science projects, complete data sets, and follow up newly-discovered objects, although we welcome proposals for any kind of project with scientific value.

To access the Fast Turnaround proposal templates and get full details about the program, please see the latest FT Call for Proposals at:

Good luck,

Stéphanie Côté,
for the Canadian Gemini Office,
Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Centre
National Research Council Canada
5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria BC V9E 2E7
Government of Canada

This email has been forwarded to CASCA members as a service to the community. Unless explicitly stated, this does not imply an endorsement of its contents by CASCA or the CASCA Board.

DAO 2021 first quarter proposal deadline

The deadline for applications for time on the DAO 1.2-m and 1.8-m telescopes for the first quarter of 2021, 4 January through 31 March, is 1 December 2020.

Despite the DAO site being closed to most staff and visitors since mid-March because of COVID-19, both telescopes have continued to operate robotically throughout the pandemic. While the 1.2-m telescope has been available for robotic observations with its McKellar spectrograph for many years, the Plaskett 1.8-m Telescope is now also available for robotic imaging on a shared-risk basis.

The 1.2-m spectrograph can provide spectra with dispersions between 40.9 Å/mm and 2.4Å/mm with wavelength coverage determined by the 61.4 mm long SITe-4 CCD. Most 1.8-m imaging programs are currently carried out with SDSS filters but Johnson/Kron-Cousins filters are also available. The imaging FOV is 23.9’ x 10.6’ and the E2V-1 detector is normally binned by a factor of 2 for a scale of 0.6” per binned pixel.

If you are interested in applying for time please contact me ( to obtain a LaTeX template for your proposal. Dmitry Monin ( and I can also provide more information about each telescope’s capabilities and limitations. For example, the 1.8-m telescope has a number of pointing restrictions required for safe robotic operation.

Thanks and stay safe!

David Bohlender

David Bohlender, Research Officer
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre & Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre
National Research Council of Canada
5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V9E 2E7
Tel 250-363-0025 | Fax 250-363-0045 |

CSA Financial Support for JWST ERS (Early Release Science) and Cycle 1  Call for Proposals

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) wishes to convey certain details to  future users of Canadian observation programs  ( with the  James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

•    The CSA intends to fund the ERS and Cycle 1 projects of the JWST mission.
•    As a result of the CSA’s contribution to the mission, Canadian astronomers should receive at least five percent of available open  observation time in addition to the 450 hours of Guaranteed Observation Time (GTO) to the Canadian science team of JWST.
•    The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) recently published a  call for proposals for JWST Cycle 1 (see
•    Reminder: The deadline to submit a proposal to STScI for Cycle 1 is  November 24, 2020.
•    Canadian astronomers are encouraged to submit proposals in response  to this open invitation to the international astronomical community. A  total budget of approximately $ 780,000 (in Canadian dollars) will be  allocated to fund successful Canadian astronomers in the ERS and Cycle  1 competitions.
•    Selected proposals from Canadian Principal Investigators (PCs),  Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PCs) and Co-Investigators (Co-Cs) will  be eligible for funding. Priority will be given to PI, Co-PI and Co-I  General Observer (GO) programs over Archival Research (AR) programs in  the distribution of funds.
•    Announcement of NASA-selected proposals will take place in spring  2021. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a grant  application to the CSA for their project.
•    Grant applications will be evaluated according to the evaluation  criteria of the research component of the CSA grants and contributions program  (