2020 JWST Postdoctoral Fellowship at iREx

The Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), affiliated with the Department of Physics at the Université de Montréal, is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position to join the NIRISS instrument team for the James Webb Space Telescope in order to contribute to the analysis and publication of NEAT observations (NIRISS Exploration of the Atmospheric diversity of Transiting exoplanets). NEAT is a large 200-hour JWST GTO program led by the NIRISS team and dedicated to the study of the atmosphere of 14 exoplanets using transit, eclipse and phase spectroscopy. More details on the NEAT program are available here.

Candidates should send a CV, a list of publications and a statement of main achievements and research interests (maximum 3 pages) to irex@astro.umontreal.ca. Three letters of recommendation should also be sent to the same address. All documents must be sent by December 15, 2019 for full consideration to be given to the application. However, the position will remain open until a candidate is selected.

A PhD in physics, astronomy or related discipline is required. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed their PhD within the last 3 years. The position has an expected start date in the fall of 2020. The position is for a two-year term, renewable for a third year depending on performance and availability of funds.

The iREx includes an expanding team of about 45 people (professors, researchers and students) mainly from the Université de Montréal and McGill University, all working on various research programs linked to the study of exoplanets and other related fields of stellar astrophysics. iREx researchers are actively involved in various international projects related to the detection and characterisation of exoplanets, including the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), SPIRou, NIRPS and high dispersion spectroscopy on 8-10m and giant telescopes. In addition, iREx researchers will have access to guaranteed time with JWST, SPIRou and NIRPS. More information on iREx research programs can be found on the iREx website here.

Social Benefits:
Postdoctoral researchers at iREx at UdeM enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, see:

Submission Guidelines:

Send inquiries to: Nathalie Ouellette

Trottier Postdoctoral Fellowship in Exoplanetary Science at iREx

The Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), affiliated with the physics department of the University of Montreal (UdeM), invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in experimental, observational or theoretical astrophysics applied to the study of exoplanets. A number of iREx projects are described below for reference.

Applicants should fill out the online form, submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests (max 2 pages), and should arrange to have three referees send a letter of reference. All application materials including letters of reference must be received electronically at the following address: irex@astro.umontreal.ca, by December 2nd, 2019 for full consideration. This position will, however, remain open until filled.

A PhD in physics, astronomy or related discipline is required at the time when the position starts. Preference will be given to applicants within 3 years of obtaining their PhD.

The iREx consists of a growing team of over 45 people (professors, postdocs, research assistants and students) mostly from UdeM and McGill University all working on various research programs focused on the study of exoplanets and related fields of stellar astrophysics. Members of iREx are actively involved in large international projects related to the detection and characterisation of exoplanets, notably the future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), SPIRou, NIRPS and high-dispersion spectroscopy for 8-10m and giant telescopes. In addition, iREx researchers will have access to guaranteed observing time with JWST, SPIRou and NIRPS. More information on iREx research programs can be found here: http://www.exoplanetes.umontreal.ca/research/?lang=en.

The successful applicant is expected to start between May and September 2020. The position is for two years, renewable for a third year subject to performance and availability of funds.

Social Benefits:
Postdoctoral researchers at iREx at UdeM enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, see: https://esp.umontreal.ca/fileadmin/esp/documents/PDF/GuideStagiairePostoctoral_Eng.pdf

Submission Guidelines:

Send inquiries to: Nathalie Ouellette

Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship & Research Associate

The Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics (WCA) at the University of Waterloo invites applications for one 3-year WCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in any area of astrophysics and one Postdoctoral Research Associate focussing on studies of Large-Scale Structure. The recently formed Centre consists of 13 research-active faculty members, and has active visitor and meeting programs. Research is undertaken in areas including cosmology, large-scale structure, CMB, gravitational lensing, black holes, galaxies, clusters, quasars and sub-mm astronomy, with interests in a number of future experiments including Euclid, CCATp, CFIS, DESI and LSST (https://uwaterloo.ca/astrophysics-centre/). The group has a close connection to the Perimeter Institute, which is located just a short walk away.

The WCA Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to undertake a program of original research either independently or in collaboration with others in the Centre, working in any area of astrophysics. The Research Associate will work with Prof. Percival on galaxy redshifts surveys including DESI and Euclid. A competitive salary and research allowance will be provided for both positions, which are expected to start Sept 2020.

Candidates should apply by accessing the following website: https://ofas.uwaterloo.ca and uploading a CV, bibliography, research statement, and entering the email addresses of three referees who should send in references by the application deadline of January 6, 2020. Candidates are encourages to submit referee email addresses as soon as possible in order to give referees time to respond; application materials can be updated up until the closing date. All applicants will automatically be considered for both positions.

The University of Waterloo respects, appreciates and encourages diversity. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of visible minorities, Indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities.