Tier I Canada Research Chair – Astronomy
The Saint Mary’s University Department of Astronomy and Physics invites applications from researchers in any area of astronomy and astrophysics to be the University’s nominee for our Tier I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Astronomy. The successful candidate will be nominated by the University to the CRC Secretariat and, if approved, will be appointed as a regular faculty member to a tenure-track position at the Associate or Full Professor level. The CRC Program was established by the Government of Canada to enable Canadian Universities to achieve the highest levels of research excellence in the global, knowledge-based economy. Tier I CRCs are awarded to individuals who are outstanding researchers in their fields, acknowledged as world leaders (see www.chairs.gc.ca for details). The University has identified astronomy, computational sciences, and subatomic physics as one of its five major research themes. More details may be found at http://www.smu.ca/webfiles/SRP-Senateappro
ved.pdf. Saint Mary’s University recognizes the long and continuing record of excellence from the Department in this area of research and accordingly has allocated astronomy researchers two CRCs (this position and a Tier II Chair, already occupied).
The Department is the regional centre for astronomy in Atlantic Canada, and consists of ten faculty members, all with active research efforts in observational astronomy, theoretical and computational astrophysics, and experimental subatomic physics. The Department offers both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in astronomy, as well as undergraduate physics and astrophysics programs. The University also hosts the Institute for Computational Astrophysics (ICA). The ICA is an institute promoting computational astrophysics in the broadest possible terms; tackling complex astrophysical phenomena through numerical simulation, and advancing discoveries utilizing “big data” from large multinational observational facilities. The Tier I CRC candidate may be considered for directorship of the ICA. Observers in the Department are active participants in Astro-H, JWST, and users of many international observatories. ICA members are active in the local HPC consortium, ACEnet, as well as Compute Can
ada, while the subatomic physicists are frequent users of TRIUMF, Jefferson Lab, and other world facilities. For a more complete account of departmental activities, see www.ap.smu.ca.
Saint Mary’s is located in the historic port city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, a vibrant, urban community of over 350,000 people. Halifax is a major educational and economic centre for Atlantic Canada and is home to five universities. It is conveniently located close to recreational areas and to other major urban centres in Canada and the Northeastern United States. A public university with over 7,000 students, Saint Mary’s University offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The university is committed to serving the local, regional, national, and international communities, and integrating such activity as part of the learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students. The University has gone through significant renewal in the past decade, with over 250 full-time faculty involved in innovative teaching, research and service. Interdisciplinary studies are a prominent feature and strength of the University. For information about the University a
nd the Faculty of Science, please see our website at http://science.smu.ca/.
Saint Mary’s University hires on the basis of merit and is committed to the principles of employment equity. Saint Mary’s University encourages applications from qualified women, visible minorities, Aboriginal people, and people with disabilities. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
The search committee will begin considering applications on August 17th, 2015. Interviews of short-listed candidates will commence in September. Please submit your C.V. along with a statement of research interests, a research proposal (maximum of five pages) for the purpose of the CRC nomination, a teaching dossier, and the names and addresses of four referees to:
Chair, Search Committee – Tier I CRC
Department of Astronomy and Physics
Saint Mary’s University
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3
Fax: (902) 496-8218
Web: www.ap.smu.ca
Email: CRCsearch@ap.smu.ca