CFHT Announcement of Opportunity for new capabilities

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation encourages members of the CFHT community to participate in the development of new capabilities for CFHT through this Announcement of Opportunity (AO). These new capabilities should be made available to the CFHT community on an accelerated timescale, in accord with the recent CFHT Board statement about the future of the Observatory:

Proposed new capabilities might exist in a variety of forms including upgrades to existing instruments, modest-scale new instruments, or major new instruments that are externally subsidized. In any case new capabilities must be built within the budget and schedule constraints outlined in the full text of the AO:

This opportunity is open to any member of the CFHT Partnership, including full and associate Partners. Interested proposers are asked to submit proposals for consideration by 23 August 2013 and are encouraged to participate in the CFHT Users’ Meeting 6-8 May 2013 ( when a special session will be organized for concepts to be vetted, initial community feedback heard, and potential collaborations across the CFHT Partnership further developed.

Any queries about the proposal process should be directed to the CFHT Executive Director, Doug Simons (

Western Conference on Science Education 2013: Call for Proposals

The positive buzz created by the inaugural 2011 Western Conference on Science Education has inspired us to “prepone” the planned 2014 Conference up to July 9 – 11 of 2013. We are excited to host the WCSE once again at Western University in London, Ontario.

Reconvening a national community of colleagues from across Science disciplines will sustain our momentum toward enhancing the practice and profile of post-secondary science education in Canada.  WCSE 2013 will be sparked by the provocative ideas of some of North America’s preeminent science educators and fueled by the inspiring work of teaching and research faculty, librarians and other science education professionals from colleges and universities across the country.

We welcome four dynamic Plenary speakers:

Dr. Susan Rundell Singer, (NSF Program Officer, Carleton College, Northfield MN)

Dr. Tony Bates, (Tony Bates Associates, Vancouver, BC)

Dr. Dietmar Kennepohl FCIC, (AVP Academic, Athabasca University, Athabasca AB)

Dr. Carolyn Eyles, (iSci Program Director, McMaster University, Hamilton ON)

As a provocative and unifying Conference theme, we invite participants to ask themselves how their work reconceives that old adage “Doing more with less”.  In what innovative ways are you and your students doing more Positive with less Negative?  Are your students doing more learning with less lecturing?  More research with less memorizing?  Is your practice more communal with less siloing?   You get the idea.

The WCSE 2013 Program will feature 40 min Presentations and 80 min Workshops in addition to Posters and Round Table/Panel Discussions of such topics as experiential learning, undergraduate research, tech-enabled learning etc.  New for 2013, we look forward to 14.0 min “Short and Tweet” sessions.

Submissions will be accepted until March 11, 2013.  Find Submission Guidelines and more information at:

To receive direct notification of future updates, subscribe to our Twitter feed @WestConf.

Or, send a message to with “Update Me” in the subject line.

Please help us to do more promotion with less spam by forwarding this announcement to interested colleagues.

We look forward to meeting with you again soon(er).

WCSE 2013 Organizing Committee

Dr. Alyssa Gilbert

Outreach Coordinator
Centre for Planetary Science & Exploration
The University of Western Ontario
Room 121, Western Science Centre
Ph: (519) 661-2111 ext. 88508
Fax: (519) 488-4721

Twitter: @CPSXNews

Construction Begins on Canada’s Largest Radio Telescope (January 24, 2013)

Construction is now under way in Penticton, B.C. on Canada’s largest radio telescope – and the first research telescope to be built in the country in more than 30 years.

The new telescope, with a footprint larger than six NHL hockey rinks, will listen for cosmic sound waves and help scientists understand why the universe has expanded rapidly – and learn about the mysterious ‘dark energy’ that is supposedly driving the expansion.

Part of the $11-million Canadian Hydrogen Intensity-Mapping Experiment (CHIME), the radio telescope is being built at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) in Penticton B.C. because the area is federally protected from radio interference.

“We plan to map a quarter of the observable universe,” says University of British Columbia astrophysicist Mark Halpern, the project’s principal investigator. “This is an ambitious, made-in-Canada endeavor.”

With no moving parts, the telescope boasts a 100-metre-by-100-metre collecting area filled with 2,560 low-noise receivers built with components adapted from the cell phone industry which, collectively, scan half of the sky every day.

“The CHIME telescope will be the most sensitive instrument in the world for this type of research and the DRAO is one of the best sites in the world for this type of research,” says UBC astrophysicist and project co-investigator Gary Hinshaw, who was in Penticton to witness the groundbreaking of the telescope’s foundation.

“This is something that our community can be really proud of.”

Signals collected by the CHIME telescope will be digitally sampled nearly one billion times per second, then processed to synthesize an image of the sky.

“We live in an expanding universe, and the discovery at the end of the 20th century that the rate of expansion is speeding up, rather than slowing down, has forced us to re-examine basic assumptions about gravity on cosmic scales, and what the universe is made of,” says UBC astrophysicist and CHIME co-investigator Kris Sigurdson.

“It appears to be filled with an exotic substance we call dark energy.”

Adds Halpern: “Data collected by CHIME will help us understand the history of the Universe, and in turn how dark energy has driven its expansion.”

CHIME is funded in part by a $4.6-million investment from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Astrophysicists at UBC, McGill University, the University of Toronto and the DRAO are collaborating on the project.

Original Press release available at

Photographs from today’s groundbreaking are available at:

Press release from the University of Toronto.

TORONTO, ON (Wednesday, January 31, 2013) –

A team of Canadian astrophysicists is set to begin mapping the largest volume of the observable Universe to date. By observing hydrogen gas from seven to ten billion light-years away across a great swath of sky, their goal is to measure the accelerating expansion of the Universe and the force behind that expansion, dark energy.

The team’s work will shed light on the expansion history of the Universe after the inflationary period leading to the Big Bang and the emission of the microwave background, and before the current accelerated expansion.

“By observing the expansion of the Universe, we will be able to make precise measurements of dark energy,” Prof. Ue-Li Pen from the University of Toronto and the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) said. “They will allow us to determine whether dark energy is changing with time or whether it is a constant. (And what does this tell us. C.S.)”

The team includes Pen, Prof. Dick Bond of the University of Toronto and CITA, and Prof. Keith Vanderlinde of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, as well as astrophysicists from UBC, McGill and the Dominion Radio Astronomy Observatory (DRAO). The group recently received $4.6 million in funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation to build an innovative digital radio telescope at the DRAO in the Okanagan Valley near Penticton, B.C. The instrument is known as the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and will have a surface area greater than six NHL hockey rinks.

Bond explained, “the origin of accelerated expansion is inextricably tied to how gravity interacts with the ‘vacuum energy’ whose nature has been the greatest mystery in physics for eighty years. For CITA theorists the exciting data that will emerge is a rich treasure trove.”

“This research requires a new kind of telescope, which only recently became possible thanks to the huge growth in computing power,” Vanderlinde said. “CHIME will be the country’s largest radio telescope and survey the sky hundreds of times more efficiently than previous instruments.”

CHIME will chart the expansion beginning in the period when cosmic acceleration appears to have turned on, from something like 11 billion years ago (redshift 2.5) until ~6.5 billion years ago (redshift 0.8) .

The ambition is large. “We’ve been mapping the universe for a hundred years since Edwin Hubble and to date we’ve mapped maybe one per cent of that, and CHIME wants to map about a quarter of the observable universe”, Pen said.

CHIME will use a new technique called Hydrogen Intensity Mapping pioneered by a team led by Pen, which allows a radio telescope to map the structure of the universe in neutral hydrogen gas directly using radio observations, rather than using optical telescopes to methodically catalogue each galaxy. It allows astrophysicists to survey huge volumes of the universe in three dimensions, and for a fraction of the cost of other methods.

“Hydrogen Intensity Mapping will have many applications,” said Vanderlinde, “but the main goal for CHIME is to amass data on the evolution of the universe, to probe what is accelerating its expansion. CHIME promises to reveal cosmic acceleration in unprecedented detail”.

The experiment will use a new hybrid of both digital and analog radio telescope technology. A traditional telescope’s parabolic dish must be pointed. A digital software telescope has no curvature, no preferred direction, and is simultaneously pointed in all directions of the sky at the same time, Pen explained, “which is pretty sweet, obviously”.

CHIME will be built at the Dominion Radio Astronomy Observatory sheltered in the Okanagan Valley near Penticton, British Columbia on a radio-quiet reserve protected from local radio-frequency interference by federal regulation and the surrounding hills. It will be a set of five 100-metre long x 20 metre half-pipes, lying side by side in a 100 metre-square array constructed of metal roofing struts, concrete legs and wire mesh, and will have no moving parts. It will work digitally in the North-South direction along the length of the half pipes, and will work as a traditional analog telescope in the East-West direction. It will scan the sky above it in a line from horizon to horizon as the earth turns every day, and stack the data it collects.

Bond is also and Director of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), cosmology and gravity program. He said “the great collaboration of CITA with the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Cosmology and Gravity Program and its cross-Canada nodes extends to our CHIME initiative.” The CIFAR Cosmology and Gravity Program members engaged are: two CIFAR Fellows at CITA, Ue-Li Pen and Bond, one Fellow at McGill, Matt Dobbs, two Fellows at UBC, Gary Hinshaw and Mark Halpern and one member of the CIFAR Junior Fellow Academy at the Dunlap Institute and the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, U of T, Keith Vanderlinde. As well, CITA Post Doctoral Fellows and graduate students are involved in CHIME research.

The CFI funded CHIME through its Leading Edge Fund which invests in state-of-the-art infrastructure for Canada’s research institutions to attract and retain world-class talent and train a new generation of researchers.

For Further Information contact,
Alison Rose, O.Ont.
Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
cell 416-997-1625

Chris Sasaki
Communications & New Media Specialist
Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics

Additional Resources:

Reminder, deadline is Jan 15 – Rappel, date limite du 15 janvier CASCA awards nominations – Nominations pour les Prix et médailles de la CASCA

CASCA members are invited to submit their nominations for four awards
that will be bestowed in 2013:

1. *R.M. Petrie Prize Lecture*: The Petrie Lecture is “an invited discourse by an outstanding astrophysicist which is held at Annual Meetings of the Society in alternate years, in memory of the significant contributions to astrophysical research by the late
Robert M. Petrie.”
2. *Peter G. Martin Award*: Awarded to a CASCA member for Mid-Career Achievement by “a Canadian astronomer, or an astronomer working in Canada, within ten to twenty years of receipt of his or her PhD degree, to recognize significant contributions to astronomical research”
3. *J.S. Plasket Medal*: “Awarded to the Ph.D. graduate student from a Canadian university who is judged to have submitted the most outstanding doctoral thesis in astronomy or astrophysics in the preceding two calendar years.”
4. *Qilak Award*: “Awarded to a Canadian resident, or a team of residents, who have made an outstanding contribution either to the public understanding and appreciation of astronomy in Canada, or to informal astronomy education in Canada”.  [Selection to be made in consultation with the Education and Public Outreach Committee.]

For more information on these awards, including nomination requirements and a list of past recipients, please see:

Nominating letters and supporting materials should be submitted (electronically) to both the chair of the CASCA Awards Committee

and the CASCA business office

Any questions should be directed to the committee chair. In all cases, the deadline for submissions is *January 15, 2013*.

Patrick Cote, on behalf of the CASCA Awards Committee


Les membres de la CASCA sont invités à soumettre le nom de candidats pour les 4 prix suivants qui seront attribués en 2013:

1. La conférence R.M. Petrie: “La Conférence Petrie est prononcée tous les deux ans par un astrophysicien de mérite à l’occasion du congrès annuel de la Société. Elle commémore l’importante contribution de Robert M. Petrie à la recherche en astrophysique.”

2. Le prix Peter G. Martin: “Le prix Peter G. Martin pour contribution exceptionnelle de mi-carrière d’un membre de la CASCA est accordé à un astronome canadien ou un astronome travaillant au Canada. Le PhD du candidat doit avoir été décerné entre 10 et 20 ans avant la mise en candidature car le but est de reconnaître des contributions significatives à la recherche en astronomie.”

3. La médaille J.S. Plasket: “Le prix est attribué chaque année au diplômé de doctorat d’une université canadienne dont la thèse en astronomie ou astrophysique a été jugée la plus remarquable au cours des deux dernières années civiles.”

4. Le prix Qilak: “Le prix Qilak reconnaît des individus ou équipes résidant au Canada qui ont contribué de façon exceptionnelle soit à la compréhension et l’appréciation de l’astronomie au Canada, soit à l’éducation informelle en astronomie au Canada.” [La sélection sera faite en consultation avec le comité Education et Relations Publiques.]

Pour obtenir plus d’information, incluant les règlements et la liste des récipiendaires des années précédentes, veuillez consulter la page suivante:

Les lettres de nominations et le matériel demandé doivent être soumis (électroniquement) au président du comité Prix et Médailles et également au bureau de la Société:

Toute question peut être envoyée au président du comité. Dans tous les cas, la date limite des soumissions est le 15 janvier 2013.

Patrick Cote, de la part du comité des Prix et Médailles de la CASCA

CFHT UM 2013 – Calling all PIs – Early registration and abstract submission deadline is Jan 9

The CFHT will hold its triennial Users’ Meeting in Campbell River, Vancouver Island, Canada, on 6 – 8 May 2013.  The first announcement as well as other pertinent meeting information is included in the meeting’s website:

As a recent user of or proponent to CFHT, I would like to encourage you to attend this meeting to publicise the science results arising from your observations. As always, the CFHT UM provides an opportunity to reflect upon the scientific achievements of the CFHT community as well as to participate in shaping the future of CFHT.

I would like to draw your attention to the following important deadlines and I look forward to you joining us in May.

Regards, Jon Willis.

On behalf of the CFHT UM SOC.

Important deadlines:

Early Registration &  Abstract submission:  9 January

Registration / Hotel accommodations:  6 March

Public Release of SCUBA-2 Commissioning Data (January 15, 2013)

During the astronomical commissioning of SCUBA-2 in 2011, several sources were observed mostly for observing mode testing, array performance improvements and telescope integration. The absolute quality of the data cannot be vouched for, and the weather conditions and the array stability may be variable. Nevertheless, the data are of sufficient quality that they may be of scientific interest to some. As such these data are being publicly released. The catalogue of publicly released SCUBA-2 commissioning data is available via the JCMT Science Archive at the CADC.

Martin Award

The Peter G. Martin Award for mid-career achievement was established in 2009 thanks to a generous gift from Peter Martin, a former President of CASCA and Professor at the University of Toronto.

The Martin Award is considered every second year, for presentation in odd-numbered years, to a mid-career astronomer in recognition of significant contributions to astronomical research. To be eligible, the nominee must be a member of CASCA in good standing, and a Canadian astronomer or an astronomer working in Canada. The nominee will normally have received his or her PhD degree between 10 and 20 years previously; allowances will be made for extended leaves of up to two years, e.g. maternity, paternity or parental leaves, medical leaves, etc. However, no individual may be nominated for both the Richer (early career) and Martin (mid-career) prizes in the same year.

The recipient shall be invited to address the Society at its Annual General Meeting. The nomination package must be submitted entirely in electronic form to the Chair of the Awards committee and should consist of:

  • A letter of nomination (self-nominations are accepted) detailing the specific achievement for which the candidate is being nominated, and providing evidence that the achievement has had a significant impact in the field. Nomination letters should be written in the third person, without reference to nominator identity, and without institutional letterhead or other identifiers. This ensures that self- and non-self nominations are not distinguishable;
  • The CV of the nominee;

In addition three external letters of support (e.g., from international experts in the nominee’s field) should be sent directly to the Chair of the awards committee (to ensure confidentiality of references). No letter should exceed two pages in length.

The deadline for nominations for the 2025 Award is 15 January 2025.

2023 Peter G. Martin Award

Erik Rosolowsky

CASCA is pleased to announce Dr. Erik Rosolowsky as the recipient of the 2023 Peter G. Martin Award for mid-career achievement.

Dr. Rosolowsky received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, studying the formation of molecular clouds in nearby galaxies, and he is currently a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Alberta. In his impactful career, he has been an international leader in the study of star formation in both Galactic and extragalactic contexts and has made several novel contributions to data analysis techniques that have enabled significant research by others. Dr. Rosolowsky has demonstrated growing leadership in these fields, notably through the international, multi-observatory “Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies” (PHANGS) megaproject. His earlier work on Galactic star formation produced several key publications that led the way to future large-scale surveys of emission from star-forming clouds and introduced “dendograms” as a new way of defining structure in hierarchical systems, a method now widely used throughout the community. His research in extragalactic star formation followed a similar pattern, leading or being a major contributor to seminal surveys that took advantage of the rise of high-resolution instruments over the last decade to drive forward our understanding of the formation of the molecular ISM and stars in distant galaxies.

CASCA is delighted to recognize Dr. Rosolowsky’s achievements with this award.

Recipients to date have been:
2021 Ellison Sara Ellison Galaxy Evolution, Star formation
2019 Gaensler Bryan
Radio Astronomy, Cosmic Magnetism
2017 Stairs Ingrid
Pulsars and general relativity
2015 ferrarese Laura
Massive Galaxies, Globular Clusters, and Everything In Between
2013 Victoria
‘Grand Unification’ of Neutron Stars
2011 Roberto
Some thoughts on galaxies and graduate students
2009 René
On Infrared Instrumentation and Searching for Pale Red Dots

Ring Around Andromeda Challenges Galactic Ideas (January 3, 2013)

A surprising discovery about dwarf galaxies orbiting the much larger Andromeda galaxy suggests that conventional ideas regarding the formation of galaxies like our own Milky Way are missing something fundamental.

In a paper published today in the prestigious journal Nature, an international team of astronomers including two University of Victoria professors describes the discovery that almost half of the 30 dwarf galaxies orbiting Andromeda do so in an enormous plane more than a million light years in diameter, but only 30,000 light years thick.

The findings defied scientists’ expectation—based on two decades of computer modeling—that satellite galaxies would orbit in independent, seemingly random patterns. Instead, many of these dwarf galaxies seem to share a common orbit, an observation that currently has no explanation.

“It’s a very unusual, unexpected configuration,” says UVic astrophysicist Dr. Julio Navarro, a co-author of the paper. “It’s so unexpected that we don’t know yet what it’s telling us. The fact that it is there at all is pointing us toward something profound.”

The paper is based on data collected as part of a project led by UVic adjunct assistant professor Dr. Alan McConnachie, of the National Research Council of Canada’s Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA) in Saanich. McConnachie, another co-author of the Nature paper, is principal investigator of the Pan Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS), which used the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope between 2008 and 2011. Examination of the data collected provided the first panoramic view of the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way’s nearest galactic companion, and the surprising discovery.

Understanding how and why the dwarf galaxies form the ring around Andromeda is expected to offer new information on the formation of all galaxies.

Media Contacts:
Dr. Alan McConnachie (National Research Council of Canada) at 250-363-0070 (
Dr. Julio Navarro (Faculty of Science) at 250-721-6644 or
Mitch Wright (UVic Communications) at 250-721-6139 or

NSERC requesting feedback from the community regarding Discovery Grant funds

Recently, NSERC sponsored a study by the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) to re-assess the allocation of Discovery Grant funds among Evaluation Groups (EGs). As NSERC points out, “In the absence of the infusion of new funds, this is necessarily a zero-sum activity, with some EGs experiencing a reduced budget allocation and other groups receiving a budget increase.”

NSERC is now requesting feedback from the community on the CCA guidelines that will be used to re-distribute Discovery Grant funds among different disciplines. Feedback can be provided by either completing the online survey available at: (when asked, enter code 7243623)

or by emailing NSERC directly at

The deadline for submitting the feedback is January 11, 2013.

Additionally, CASCA will provide NSERC with a summary of collective feedback. For us to do so, please email any thoughts or suggestions you might have directly to  with a deadline of December 30, 2012.

Additional information can be gathered from the following documents/webpages:

Document containing background information on budget allocation for Discovery Grants:

Link to the NSERC Consultation page (including a link to the survey):

Link to the CCA report:

Best regards,
Laura Ferrarese, on behalf of the CASCA Board